Students hold protest demonstration against govt decision to defer ‘chemical tests’ on Indian foods, Agri-products

Photo: Barsha Shah

Kathmandu: The students belonging to CPN-UML affiliated Union held protest demonstration against the government ‘decision’ to defer lab-test on the vegetables, fruits and other agri-products before being imported.

The decision to defer test overruling the recommendation by the ministry concerned was taken by the cabinet which is being seen as gross violation of the government earlier decision. Such tests are carried to determine use of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture products.

Some protestors belonging to the UML student wing put garlands of tomatoes around their neck as a mark of protest against the government decision, and demanded that the cabinet respect the recommendation of the ministry of agriculture and departments of poultry and animal husbandry.

The UML which pulled out of the two-month old coalition recently believes that the decision of the Dahal government is meant to appease India in the context of current political scenario as Prachanda enjoys the support of the south.

Photo: Barsha Shah