NEPSE index risen by 6.9 points to 2,830 today

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There has been a general improvement in the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) index. Today, the NEPSE index has increased by 6.90 points, reaching a level of 2,830.

Today, shares of 328 companies totaling 30,505,980 units were traded 144,197 times, amounting to a transaction of NPR 13.57 billion, according to NEPSE.

In today’s trading, Development Bank increased by 1.32%, Hotel and Tourism by 0.65%, Life Insurance by 2.28%, Microfinance by 0.36%, and Non-Life Insurance by 4.78%. The indices of all other groups have decreased.

Banking decreased by 0.67%, Finance by 1.57%, Hydropower by 0.50%, Investment by 0.44%, Production and Processing by 0.14%, Mutual Fund by 0.03%, Trade by 0.41%, and Other sectors by 0.18%.

Today, seven companies’ share prices have hit the positive circuit limit. The share prices of NLG Insurance Company Limited, Sindhu Development Bank Limited, Maatrubhumi Microfinance Financial Institution Limited, Green Development Bank Limited, Win Nepal Microfinance Financial Institution Limited, Manushi Microfinance Financial Institution Limited, and Vindhyabasini Hydropower Development Company Limited have increased by 10%. The biggest decrease was in the share price of Himalayan Power Partner Limited, which fell by 8.86%.

Based on transaction amount, the highest trading was done with NLG Insurance Company Limited, amounting to NPR 347.22 million. Based on the number of shares traded, the most shares were traded for API Power Company Limited, with 744,150 units.
