NA’s SDGV committee initiates to study implementation status

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The three-member panel was formed by the Sustainable Development and Good Governance (SDGV) Committee of the National Assembly (NA) to study the implementation status of directives issued by the Committee previous year.

A meeting chaired by Prakash Pantha, President of the Committee, has decided to form a panel under the leadership of NA member Mahesh Kumar Mahara. The panel comprises Nanda Chapai and Sharada Devi Bhatta as members.

A month-long period is provided to the panel for studying the implementation status of the directives issued.

Likewise, counselling and recommendation taskforce led by Pantha is also formed to offer feedback for making the committee’s meeting effective.

Kamala Panta, Jag Prasad Sharma, Tul Prasad Bishwakarma, Bimala Ghimire and Singha Bahadur Bishwakarma are the members in the taskforce.
