Chinese ambassador Song meets RSP chair Lamichhane

Kathmandu, 16 Aug: In a slight shift from its rigid diplomacy, Chinese ambassador Chen Song today had a meeting with Rashtriya swatantra party Chief Rabi Lamichhane, first after the Party’s official formation and its entry into parliament as the fourth largest party.

The meeting took place at RSP’s office and issues of bilateral interests were discussed, party sources said.

China, over the years, does confine its interactions with the ruling party, but prefers to engage communist parties, at times trying to bring them together, in Nepal.

But as part of its changed approach, it has of late met with non-communist and opposition parties as well. Last month ambassador Song had met Rashtriya Prajatantra Party chief Rajendra Lingden.

‘It was a formal meeting at the initiative of the Ambassador and we discussed issues of mutual interest,’ Parliamentarian Sishir Khanal, who was present at the meeting, told Deshsanchar.

Lamichhane appreciated Chinese policy towards Nepal respecting its territorial integrity and that of non-interference in its internal affairs, he added. He also told Ambassador Song that RSP ‘s key agenda included good governance. economic development, and fighting corruption and it was closely following developments in China.
