Agreement to run parliament business with schedule

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The political parties have agreed to conduct the House of Representatives meeting based on a work schedule.

Attending the HoR regulation draft committee meeting on Wednesday, they agreed on making a schedule and run the parliament accordingly so that it would be accountable to the people. Former Speaker Subash Nembang informed that the committee members were for running the House in an accountable manner.

The draft committee agreed for the schedule in view of past experience that lawmakers skipped parliament meetings despite showing entry in record.

Committee member and former minister Hitraj Pande stressed on making effective the work schedule in parliament. Similarly, committee member Prabha Bhattarai stressed the need of ending the skipping trend. Prem Suwal also said regular attendance of lawmakers at HoR and committee is important to ensure effective performance.

Lawmakers duo Nagina Yadav and Sobhita Gautam viewed formation of separate committee or a forum was essential to discuss the gender-based violence and issues relating to women immediately
