Tourism Police training kicks off

Inauguration of Tourism Police training
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Kathmandu, 01 August:  The ‘tourism police training’ has begun in Kathmandu in a bid to provide special service to the foreign tourists in Nepal.

The 18-day training is underway in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation; Tourism Police Office, Bhrikutimandap; and Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management Institute.

The event was inaugurated by Ministry Secretary Bharat Mani Subedi. He hoped the training would be a significant platform to learn on how foreign tourists could be provided special services.

Professional capacity will be built among the tourism police so that they play a role to retain the unique identity of the country and people. The concept of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ will be further enhanced, Secretary added.

Deputy Inspector General of Nepal Police who is also the Director of National Police Academy, Rabindra KC, said the trainees would be devoted to their work and help bolster the country ‘s image. He lauded that tourism police were playing important role in the security of tourists despite limited means and resources.

Similarly, Director General at Tourism Department, Hom Prasad Luitel, viewed tourism sector plays a vital role on boosting country’s economic activities where the tourism police can be linked.

Travel and Research Department Chief of Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management Institute, Ajay Kumar Dhakal, believed the training would be a milestone to the development and promotion of tourism.

A total of 30 police persons are attending the training.
