Swami Chandresh, an enlightened Yogi with multi-dimensional qualities and firm character

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Gurudeva Swami Chandresh- the name always resonates in my heart and gives me inspiration. I respectfully call him Gurudeva because I am his initiated disciple. Gurudeva was an enlightened Himalayan master born in East Bengal (now Bangladesh).

He was born in a landlord’s family and his grandfather was a senior government official. His father served in many positions including a clerk in the British army. His mother was a humble lady with devotion in her heart. His childhood name was Aurobindo Ghosh. From early childhood, he was little different than other kids. His attention was unwavering. Whenever he focussed on something, he would stare at it for a long duration. He was like dissolved in that concentration. He was a very fearless and bold child. He used to do various stunts to impress his friends and was always a leader in the children’s squad.

Due to some communal clashes in the region, his family migrated to West Bengal. He spent his later childhood in Berhampur, India. During his teenage, he was motivated to Yoga by an accomplished Yogi in the town. He began precising and experienced gradual transformation. His eyes became lustrous and he started to feel the upsurge of ‘Kundalini Shakti’ from the bottom of spine. Sometimes, he used to jump up like frog during meditation. He used to sit for meditation in one place and wake up at another place.

One day, while he was returning home from a secluded place of meditation, the fateful event occurred- suddenly he saw a three-peaked mountain in front of his eyes. These mountains remained in his vision for few minutes and then disappeared. He was wondering what the mountains meant for him. He didn’t find the answers until he came to Nepal in 2025 B.S. and stayed at Shivapuri (Tin Chule) for two-decade long Yoga and Meditation. He had the vision of Tin Chule in his childhood. He was destined to do his Sadhana in the Himalayas and nature gave this signal early in his life.

Gurudeva has mentioned in his book ‘Adhyatmaprasad’ that he got the first experience of Inner Light during his few years stay in a cave near Bagdwar. After that he said that this light never left him. He got all the mystical experiences mentioned in Veda and Upanishads along with many unique encounters during his penance in Shivapuri.

He created songs, played violin, painted pictures, wrote books and discovered inner dimensions of life there. Villagers near the mountains used to serve him by giving foods and utilities. In return, Gurudeva blessed them with the light of education. When people of Budhanilkantha requested him to provide education to them, he started Budhanilkantha Ashram School in 2046 B.S. From there he pioneered ‘Trinity of Education’ that is, a holistic education model that comprises spiritual, practical and informational education. The school is still operating with the unique and holistic course structure where students learn the regular syllabus along with the yoga, meditation, music, sports and art.

He created songs, played violin, painted pictures, wrote books and discovered inner dimensions of life there. Villagers near the mountains used to serve him by giving foods and utilities. In return, Gurudeva blessed them with the light of education.

Gurudeva has invented Brahmi Swar Lipi (Geometric musical notations) and has got a patent from Nepal government. He has created total of about 1000 songs in Bengali, Nepali, Hindi and English languages. He has made hundreds of mesmerizing paintings revealing life’s inner dimensions along with modern art statues. He has authored dozens of books like ‘Ocean in a drop’, ‘Inner Light’, ‘Release’, ‘Adhyatmaprasad’, ‘Patanjali Yogasutra’, ‘Kundalini Jagaran’, ‘Siksha ra Samaj’, ‘Shankhaghosh’, etc.

During his Shivapuri stay, many influential people used to visit him including government officials and businessmen. Gurudeva shared us an incident when a famous businessman had been there for hunting animals. Gurudeva was strolling in the mountains when he saw that man with a gun. Gurudeva rebuked the man badly. Later, he gave up hunting and became his disciple. Similarly, men, women, children from Nepal and foreign lands used to pay homage to Gurudeva in his Shivapuri Kuti. Even late King Birendra had gone to visit him but due to some reasons came back without seeing him. The famous spiritual personality ‘Osho’ said to his disciples in Nepal that the man living in the Shivapuri mountains was a very high souled person. Osho’s disciples revealed this fact to Swami Chandresh later.

Gurudeva’s life was calm and peaceful, but developments in the country, specially imposition of secular the way it happened, had took a toll. Swami Jee knew that this kind of obliteration of religious identity could jeopardize the fate of the nation. He knew it from his experiences in East Bengal. He recalled how his family had to flee from there due to communal riots. To save Nepal from such misfortune, he ventured a massive awareness program against secularism. The fact how numbers of churches were multiplying in Nepal was painstaking. Gurudeva with his few dedicated disciples worked day and night to warn people on the pitfalls of secularism. He quoted the African proverb which says that behind the bible, comes the gun. Gurudeva did everything possible to make Nepal a Hindu Nation again. But, in 2072 B.S. it was constitutionally declared secular. Gurudeva was little disappointed from this incident. In the meantime, he could not maintain healthy eating habit during the Hindu movement. He was diagnosed with diabetes. Due to some reasons, he refused to take medicines. But, persistent diabetes slowly damaged his kidneys and he had to do weekly dialysis.

As the physical health became weaker, Gurudeva needed medical interventions time and again. During the dialysis period also, Gurudeva was active in giving lectures on Patanjali Yogasutras and he did many other works. Gradually, his physical health was taking its toll and he left the physical body on Monday 28th Shrawan, 2080 BS at the age of 80.

Although, Gurudeva is no longer with us physically. His mere remembrance still gives me goose bumps. His consciousness will ever inspire me and millions others in the righteous path of Dharma. Vedas say that Dharma gives Moksha and Artha fulfils Kama, which is both the ultimate path and goal of Life. Gurudeva Swami Chandresh was the embodiment of that virtue! I will definitely miss his physical presence, but his spiritual presence will remain in my bosom until I die! Aum Shree Gurave Namah.
