Respond to opposition on March 4: Speaker directs govt.

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Kathmandu, March 1: Speaker Devraj Ghimire has directed the government to respond to issues that lawmakers have raised on March 4.

The Speaker’s directive comes following the demand by opposition parties during the meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) today for the government’s response on various contemporary issues.

In the meeting, lawmakers Surya Bahadur Thapa Chhetri and Rajendra Lingden called attention of the government, citing that it failed to take initiatives for addressing the problems faced by the usury victims, the people suffering at the hand of microfinance and the problems of the dairy farmers.

The lawmakers had demanded previously too that the government should come up with clear answers on issues such as the Balkumari incident and the demand for sacking government ministers accused of corruption.

At the outset of the meeting, the opposition parties’ lawmakers protested, saying the government did not address the issues raised in the parliament before this.
