Qatari Emir accorded unprecedented welcome

Kathmandu, 23 Apr: Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad AL-Thani, the head of the state of petroleum and Natural gas rich Qatar, arrived here amidst unprecedented level of official welcome by the host government.

President Ram Chandra Poudel received him at the Tribhuvan International Airport, and the government declared the arrival day of the Emir as a Public Holiday.

A 21-Gun salute was given to the Emir whose arrival coincides with the final phase of preparations of the Nepal government which will be hosting the International Investment summit on April 28 and 29.



The Emir’s entourage consists of around 80 members including ten ministers. He will fly back home tomorrow with a pair of baby elephants–Khagendra Prasad and Rudrakali–as the gift from Nepal.

Apart from seeking generous support of Qatar that is among the world’s richest countries, the Nepal government is also likely to seek ‘fair and equal’ treatment for Nepali workers, numbering around 400,000 there.

Officials say that Nepal and Qatar are likely to sign few important Memoranda of Understanding soliciting Qatar’s support in education and scientific research sector as well as developing sports infrastructures of world class tomorrow after the two sides hold discussions at high level.

Emir AL-Thani was later hosted by President Poudel as Shital Niwas.

A senior official of the Ministry of Foreign affairs said the MOUs will relate to Higher Education and Scientific Research and promoting Nepal as an international sports hub.

Although Qatar is a major contributor, almost making for thirty per cent,  to Nepal’s remittance driven economy, Qatar is also under pressure from the International Human Rights groups for depriving the Nepali workers their dues against the contribution they made for building infrastructure for FIFA world cup in 2022, and ‘unfair and discriminatory laws’ even now.” The issue is being raised now to ensure that Nepali workers get fair treatment and working conditions,’ the official said.


