Making of Juju Dhau underway to celebrate Asar 15 

The Juju Dhau is signature curd of the Newar Community in Bhakaptur widely appreciated for its taste and texture. (Picture by Sulav Shrestha).
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Kathmandu, 27 June: Asar 15 is marked as National Paddy Day and Dahi Chiura Day.

There is an abiding tradition of celebrating Asar 15 by paddy plantation, playing in the mud, singing Ashare Geet (folk songs relating to plantation) and eating Dahi and Chiura (Curd and Beaten Rice).

The day is marked significant for the farmers to begin paddy plantation. However, people across the country observe the day eating Dahi Chiura.

It is said that the farmers who are busy in paddy plantations eat Dahi and Chiura to both energize and refresh themselves.

People in Bhaktpur have begun preparing ‘Juju Dhau’ so that it won’t fall short of demand on the day.

The Juju Dhau is signature curd of the Newar Community in Bhakaptur widely appreciated for its taste and texture.
