‘Folk songs will remain as long as human society and civilization exist’, Amrit Gurung (Video)

Amrit Gurung is an icon in the music and performance arena. A melody genius, cherished lyricist and master composer, he, along with his band, Nepathya, has provided Nepalis music audiences with various timeless pieces for the last three decades.

Gurung appeared as a guest at Desh Sanchar Chautari and threw light on various socio-cultural and political aspects he witnessed through his journey as singer, wayfarer and collector of folk songs.

Gurung feels constricted in the bustling Kathmandu city, which, to him, provides neither fresh air to breathe and space to walk nor vestal water to drink.

A self-described wayfarer, he says travelling is like meditating and the fact that it provides the ability to immerse oneself and gather memoirs of people encountered generates the energy to work and live.

While not travelling, he enjoys the seclusion at his ‘Goth’, a term he uses to describe his home, in proximity with nature close to Pokhara where he spent his childhood days.

‘No word can match happiness living there at Goth in proximity with nature recollecting all the childhood memories,’ he said, adding closeness to nature teaches one to live happily with tiny matters- looking at flower buds and full bloomed flowers enjoying their colour and fragrance.

He shared contently ‘can an artist fill the colours at painting as good as the full bloomed flower? I don’t think so, else it would be a miracle.’

His love with music and folk songs began a bit late in Life but is now mesmerized with its intrinsic qualities.

“Folk songs will remain as long as human society and civilization exist,” Gurung said. He said he, along with his friends, tried to westernize the musical arrangement of the folk songs by focusing mostly on the lyrics. Collecting and turning them into folk rock songs, they have a motto – “sharma pani lagna bhaena, Marma pani marna vayena” (let’s not be ashamed but the essence should not die).

Gurung who has travelled the whole of Nepal except one district likens Nepali society to a gleaming dawn, a bright day, and smiling mountains.

However, he expressed his displeasure at the current political climate stating that it’s a time that people’s sacrifices to bring change have gone in vain.

Luxurious vehicles plying on the road and big houses around and migrations alone are not acceptable indicators of a progressing country, Gurung mentioned.
