Choosing dignified death over a life of humiliation and despair!

I have encouraged many not to go abroad and instead do something at home. But the situation at home is not favorable. It’s rather discouraging. There is corruption everywhere. The system is corrupt because the people running it are corrupt.

State apathy, discrimination and injustice with regards to the general citizens are all pervasive. Corrupt policy and approach of the state organs, monopoly market, nepotism, favoritism come as blighter to each genuine dream, struggle and aspiration. All those whom I discouraged going abroad please forgive me, I renounce my statement.

Prem Prasad Acharya shared through his ‘suicidal note’ that these are his realization so far and the realization eventually cost his life.

He set his body aflame Tuesday afternoon at the heart of the centre of power, in front of the —federal parliament—to make his point. For him, it was a zero hour, a calling attention motion,  and a message to the 375 odd, MPs and through them over thirty million people, that there is nothing more precious than his life which he is ‘self-immolating’ to draw the attention of the rulers that let it be the last time that a Nepali youth is driven to desperation to sacrifice his/her life.

In his long status in the social media, he mentioned about several suicidal attempts he had made earlier, but also made it clear that he faced them so far with all the courage, efforts and resources he had.

Just a week before, the country witnessed agonizing biggest domestic air crash that took its toll 72 lives. The blame game is trolling as the “Sisyphus Rock”, the lessons learnt and precautions for the future are yet to be drawn.

The one serious concern raised was onlookers crowd at the crash site disturbed the rescue efforts. The road to ambulance and frequency of the telephone network were blocked due to the spectators.

But an accident, and a conscious decision to take life are two different things.

Acharya died helpless. But he did not forget certain concerns he had for his wife. He made public his wife’s bank account number soliciting support from the people he knew or did not know to help her live instead of following what he did.

However, the commonalities in such cases are ‘self-demonizing’ human–individual and mob behavior—video graphing, Tik-Toking. One among cross-cutting issues these days is social media despite significant benefits turning us unsocial as per applicable social norms. And the norms to guide virtual society physically are yet to be introduced.

Acharya died helpless. But he did not forget certain concerns he had for his wife. He made public his wife’s bank account number soliciting support from the people he knew or did not know to help her live instead of following what he did.

Perhaps there will be social media posts along with media coverage mentioning the contribution to that account. But, before doing so doesn’t it demand vigor and vitality to ask several question raised by his suicidal note?

A few are – why a struggling business person was deprived of any help when he approached all so called established business organizations heads? He named acting as well as former FNCCI chair for begging help.

Moreover, why a general citizen turns into a no-citizen while attempting to establish himself on the ground of hard work rather than on ‘partition holes’ being practiced across the nation? Why was an ambitious business person who had established certain credentials and networks not supported by marketing networks he had mentioned in his dying declaration?

Which chain of mechanisms awards JHOLE farms with multiple grants and subsidies while a young Agro-entrepreneur in the ‘agriculture based’ country gets rid of access to such support systems?

Most importantly, how long do general people tolerate the breach of basic human rights – a struggling entrepreneur – burdened by triple layer of tax- gets compelled to pass ‘under the table trap’ waiting in a long queue. The mockery is The Constitution of Nepal with a list of 31 fundamental rights that stands guarantor of.
