Karnataka has told the opposition where to focus on for 2024—the base of the social pyramid The outcome of the Karnataka assembly election opens up a path to 2024. Let us call it the “base of… Yogendra Yadav May 18,2023 Picture
Karnataka shows no magic needed to defeat BJP in 2024. Answer is ‘ridiculously simple’ Exit polls have confirmed what was fairly obvious in Karnataka: It’s going to be the Congress this time. The numbers… Yogendra Yadav May 12,2023 Picture
Congress ‘hawa’ to class divide — four observations in the run-up to Karnataka election On the third day of our field travel in Karnataka, we finally encountered a voter who was switching away from… Yogendra Yadav May 04,2023 Picture
Class matters- more than what we care to notice or admit One day I wish to write an article to persuade my Marxist friends to take class analysis seriously. This joke, that… Yogendra Yadav April 29,2023 Picture
Rahul Gandhi can drive Mandal 3, reverse social justice politics that BJP pushed to dead-end Does Rahul Gandhi’s speech at Kolar in Karnataka signal a new turn in the politics of social justice? Congress missed… Yogendra Yadav April 24,2023 Picture
Earth Day 2023: critical call to ‘Invest in our planet’ as pollution envelops HKH As the Nepali New Year dawned, the sun’s rays shone weakly through the dense Kathmandu haze, and the city was… Pema Gyamtsho April 22,2023 Picture
Journey far away from Home Trend for students going abroad for studies continues. The hope that they will earn better qualification, self-confidence and be able to look after… Sasarpari Koirala April 21,2023 Picture
NCERT textbooks can’t create a secular student. If they did, BJP wouldn’t be in power There is an old Indian Railways joke about two passengers quarrelling over whether to open the glass window or not.… Yogendra Yadav April 15,2023 Picture
A decisive defeat in Karnataka will begin BJP’s exit from south India, decide 2024 roadmap On 10 May, we will witness the general election to the legislative assembly of Karnataka. But that is officialese. In… Yogendra Yadav April 01,2023 Picture
‘Modani’ model of Business-Politics Nexus Modani has entered India’s political lexicon. Rahul Gandhi’s latest tweet adopts this expression, already in vogue in his party’s social… Yogendra Yadav March 20,2023 Picture